I recently needed to parse a text file and convert it to a json file, all within a Jenkins pipeline. I ran into some interesting issues during that process that i’d like to share.
I had a file that looked like below, that I needed to group the apps by their environment
Desired result
"dev": ["app1", "app2"],
"stage": ["app3"],
"prod": ["app4"]
I initially wrote some code that did the work.
def envMap = [:].withDefault{key -> return []}
fileContents.eachLine { line ->
split = line.split('/')
def env = split[0]
def app = split[1]
I ran it through Jenkins and I got an error: java.io.NotSerializableException: groovy.lang.MapWithDefault
Not being too familiar with this error and groovy not being my strongest language, I did the next logical step, I Google’d the error.
We’ll, I got a few hits but ultimately, it always ended up at the same location JENKINS-38186.
In short, using MapWithDefault
cannot store the state of execution, so it can be paused/resumed (as i understand).
So, after a little trial and error, I change the logic to use a simpler approach, which worked!
def envMap = [:]
fileContents.eachLine { line ->
split = line.split('/')
def env = split[0]
def app = split[1]
if (!envMap.containsKey(env)) {
envMap.put(env, [])